
Overlea North, Tāmaki

Set in Auckland’s Residential Mixed Housing Urban zone, this development includes 49 new dwellings in various configurations, ranging from two to three storeys in height. Access to the site is provided via eight new crossings, serving either individual dwellings or common accessways and landscaping planning for street trees, including the removal of two current trees also required consent.

Our team obtained all the necessary resource consents and Council agreed that from a streetscape and visual amenity perspective, the development maintains a reasonably distinct appearance (including individualism in each of the street-facing dwellings) and creates a positive interface with the adjacent streets.

This is achieved through the provision of glazing and balconies enabling passive surveillance over the street, articulation and modulation of the street-facing façades (including differentiation in materiality and colours, variations in the roof forms, and building setbacks), a safe pedestrian network accessible from the street that aligns with the accessway arrangements on-site, and appropriate screening of storage and waste areas.

These measures are also supported by sufficient front yard landscaping, which works towards softening the built form of the development, defining the street edges, and contributing to streetscape amenities.

An s127 variation was later obtained to reconfigure the legal ownership of the carpark spaces.