
Hobsonville Point, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

Resource consent was obtained by our planners for the construction and subdivision of 68 two-level residential dwellings, comprising 49 two-bedroom terraces, and 19 three-bedroom terraces. Consent was obtained for associated earthworks, vehicle accesses and crossings, landscaping and infrastructure.

While there were some non-compliances involved, when considered in relation to the scale of the development, these were minor and did not detract from the on-site amenity across the development site. In the end, Auckland Council agreed that the proposal was designed to achieve a high standard of on-site amenity in general compliance with the development controls for the Hobsonville Point Precinct and Mixed Housing Urban Zone.

Water sensitive design including low contaminant yielding materials was included in the consent applications. And with regards to the onsite Stormwater Management Area Flow 1 (SMAF), Council agreed that the stormwater management across the site was appropriate with retention gardens located intermittently along the length of each of the public roads. Any flow greater than the retention garden capacity will overflow to an extension of the recently constructed stormwater trunk line and discharge to Catalina and Harrier Ponds.