
Green Island Childcare, Ōtepoti Dunedin

Our team successfully obtained a non-notified consent to construct and operate a purpose-built Early Learning Centre (ELC) for 90 children and 19 full time equivalent staff with associated carparking and landscaping. Consent was required for infringements of the commercial and mixed use zone rules, earthworks and sensitive activities in the hazard 2 (flood) overlay zone.

At the time of lodgement, Dunedin had two district plans: the Operative Dunedin City District Plan 2006 (the “Operative District Plan”, and the Proposed Second Generation Dunedin City District Plan (the “Proposed 2GP”). Given the Proposed 2GP was not yet fully operative, both district plans needed to be considered in determining the activity status and deciding what aspects of the activity require resource consent.

Council agreed with our planners that the bulk, location and overall massing/scale of the proposed new building (including the visual dominance and any overshadowing), and any associated effects, will generally be consistent with that which is anticipated and considered acceptable on the subject site. The design of the proposed building incorporates glazing and a range of materials along the south-eastern facade which creates visual interest when viewing the building from the street.